Family & Friends support


Families and whānau come in all shapes and sizes.

Families and whānau can be people related by blood, marriage, friends or other close relationships

If you have concerns about someone else’s use of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) you are in the right place. There is hope.

We are aware that having someone close to you who is using AOD in a way that is causing problems for themselves and others can be very stressful and confusing and can negatively affect families and whānau.

You may be experiencing anxiety, fear, grief, hopelessness, shame and isolation. We encourage family, whānau and friends to access CADS as a way to connect with others and get support to manage these feelings with useful coping strategies and learn about substances and dependency.

The person you are concerned about does not have to be engaged with CADS for you to connect with our services.

We have a range of options available to support you:

  • Family, whānau and friends groups in all the CADS units

  • Single sessions to work on a particular issue

  • One to one counselling

"Coming to CADS has changed our family dynamics and helped reduce my personal stress levels for which I have been hospitalised several times...” 

”Many thanks for the knowledge shared, support mechanisms and practical help. I am a better, more confident person, more able to cope and our marriage will be stronger...”

For information and support, call us on 0800 845 1818 or visit one of our sites.

Some websites and a helpline that you might find helpful

We are Family: stories from family and whanau link)Family Drug Support (external link) link) 
Kina Families and Addictions Trust(external link)
Alcohol and Drug Helpline 0800 787 797 (24 hour/7days)